ROWAN ROMANIA Committed to adults with special needs
Rowan Romania

Rowan Romania is a registered charity established as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation and registered in England and Wales with charity number 1166547.
UK registered address: 7 Hayward Drive, Baltonsborough, Glastonbury, Somerset BA6 8PJ, United Kingdom.
Trustees: Kay Franklin, Alan Brian and Martin Franklin.
(c) Copyright Franklin/Rowan Romania. All rights reserved.

Rowan Romania is a UK charity that is committed to supporting adults with special needs in a long-stay psychiatric hospital in Zarnesti, Romania. This hospital has around 150 patients, and is severely over-crowded and under-funded.
Since being founded in 2004 by a group of Somerset villagers, the charity has been continually raising funds. Currently (working alongside our local representative in Romania, and in collaboration with local officials) we have helped to employ three Romanian care-workers at the hospital, and source and supply basic essentials for the patients (such as disinfectant, medical supplies, essential dentistry and fresh juice). With more funds, there would be so much more we could easily do.
One or more of our trustees have frequently travelled to the hospital to visit the patients and to check on the use of funds. Such visits have always been entirely at the expense of the trustees themselves: every single penny raised for the charity is funnelled straight into Romania without any deductions for administrative or other costs incurred in the UK (save for minimal UK bank and webhosting charges).
Please take a few moments to learn more about the plight of these psychiatric patients and how we are trying to help them. If you feel you would like to help or donate in any way at all, we would be delighted if you would consider contacting us or visiting our "Donate" page. Thank you.